Sunday, 30 June 2013
**MUST READ FOR EVERYBODY** 45 best health tips ever
We've done the legwork for you and here they are: the 45 best health tips. Make that 46 - taking the time to read this.Give yourself a boost.
1. Copy your kitty: Learn to do stretching exercises when you wake up. It boosts circulation and digestion, and eases back pain.
2. Don’t skip breakfast. Studies show that eating a proper breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you are trying to lose eight. Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight. A balanced breakfast includes fresh fruit or fruit juice, a high-fibre breakfast cereal, low-fat milk or yoghurt, wholewheat toast, and a boiled egg.
3. Brush up on hygiene. Many people don't know how to brush their teeth properly. Improper brushing can cause as much damage to the teeth and gums as not brushing at all. Lots of people don’t brush for long enough, don’t floss and don’t see a dentist regularly. Hold your toothbrush in the same way that would hold a pencil, and brush for at least two minutes. This includes brushing the teeth, the junction of the teeth and gums, the tongue and the roof of the mouth. And you don't need a fancy, angled toothbrush – just a sturdy, soft-bristled one that you replace each month.
4. Neurobics for your mind. Get your brain fizzing with energy. American researchers coined the term ‘neurobics’ for tasks which activate the brain's own biochemical pathways and to bring new pathways online that can help to strengthen or preserve brain circuits. Brush your teeth with your ‘other’ hand, take a new route to work or choose your clothes based on sense of touch rather than sight. People with mental agility tend to have lower rates of Alzheimer's disease and age-related mental decline.
5. Get what you give! Always giving and never taking? This is the short road to compassion fatigue. Give to yourself and receive from others, otherwise you’ll get to a point where you have nothing left to give. And hey, if you can’t receive from others, how can you expect them to receive from you?
6. Get spiritual. A study conducted by the formidably sober and scientific Harvard University found that patients who were prayed for recovered quicker than those who weren’t, even if they weren’t aware of the prayer.(Pray to God)
7. Get smelly. Garlic, onions, spring onions and leeks all contain stuff that’s good for you. A study at the Child’s Health Institute in Cape Town found that eating raw garlic helped fight serious childhood infections. Heat destroys these properties, so eat yours raw, wash it down with fruit juice or, if you’re a sissy, have it in tablet form.
8. Knock one back. A glass of red wine a day is good for you. A number of studies have found this, but a recent one found that the polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in green tea, red wine and olives may also help protect you against breast cancer. It’s thought that the antioxidants help protect you from environmental carcinogens such as passive tobacco smoke.
9. Bone up daily. Get your daily calcium by popping a tab, chugging milk or eating yoghurt. It’ll keep your bones strong. Remember that your bone density declines after the age of 30. You need at least 200 milligrams daily, which you should combine with magnesium, or it simply won’t be absorbed.
10. Berries for your belly. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries contain plant nutrients known as anthocyanidins, which are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries rival grapes in concentrations of resveratrol – the antioxidant compound found in red wine that has assumed near mythological proportions. Resveratrol is believed to help protect against heart disease and cancer.
11. Curry favour. Hot, spicy foods containing chillies or cayenne pepper trigger endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Endorphins have a powerful, almost narcotic, effect and make you feel good after exercising. But go easy on the lamb, pork and mutton and the high-fat, creamy dishes served in many Indian restaurants.
12. Cut out herbs before ops. Some herbal supplements – from the popular St John's Wort and ginkgo biloba to garlic, ginger, ginseng and feverfew – can cause increased bleeding during surgery, warn surgeons. It may be wise to stop taking all medication, including herbal supplements, at least two weeks before surgery, and inform your surgeon about your herbal use.
13. I say tomato. Tomato is a superstar in the fruit and veggie pantheon. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious, so use them in pasta, soups and casseroles, as well as in salads. The British Thoracic Society says that tomatoes and apples can reduce your risk of asthma and chronic lung diseases. Both contain the antioxidant quercetin. To enjoy the benefits, eat five apples a week or a tomato every other day.
14. Eat your stress away. Prevent low blood sugar as it stresses you out. Eat regular and small healthy meals and keep fruit and veggies handy. Herbal teas will also soothe your frazzled nerves. Eating unrefined carbohydrates, nuts and bananas boosts the formation of serotonin, another feel-good drug. Small amounts of protein containing the amino acid tryptamine can give you a boost when stress tires you out.
15. Load up on vitamin C.We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to get this is by eating at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. So hit the oranges and guavas!
16. No folly in folic acid. Folic acid should be taken regularly by all pregnant mums and people with a low immunity to disease. Folic acid prevents spina bifida in unborn babies and can play a role in cancer prevention. It is found in green leafy vegetables, liver, fruit and bran.
17. A for Away. This vitamin, and beta carotene, help to boost immunity against disease. It also assists in the healing process of diseases such as measles and is recommended by the WHO. Good natural sources of vitamin A are kidneys, liver, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables, pawpaw, mangoes, chilli pepper, red sorrel and red palm oil.
18. Pure water. Don’t have soft drinks or energy drinks while you're exercising. Stay properly hydrated by drinking enough water during your workout (just don't overdo things, as drinking too much water can also be dangerous). While you might need energy drinks for long-distance running, in shorter exercise sessions in the gym, your body will burn the glucose from the soft drink first, before starting to burn body fat. Same goes for eating sweets.
19. Carbohydrates with a high glycaemic index, such as bread, sugar, honey and grain-based food will give instant energy and accelerate your metabolism. If you’re trying to burn fat, stick to beans, rice, pasta, lentils, peas, soya beans and oat bran, all of which have a low GI count.
20. Mindful living. You've probably heard the old adage that life's too short to stuff a mushroom. But perhaps you should consider the opposite: that life's simply too short NOT to focus on the simple tasks. By slowing down and concentrating on basic things, you'll clear your mind of everything that worries you. Really concentrate on sensations and experiences again: observe the rough texture of a strawberry's skin as you touch it, and taste the sweet-sour juice as you bite into the fruit; when your partner strokes your hand, pay careful attention to the sensation on your skin; and learn to really focus on simple tasks while doing them, whether it's flowering plants or ironing your clothes.
21. The secret of stretching. When you stretch, ease your body into position until you feel the stretch and hold it for about 25 seconds. Breathe deeply to help your body move oxygen-rich blood to those sore muscles. Don't bounce or force yourself into an uncomfortable position.
22. Do your weights workout first. Experts say weight training should be done first, because it's a higher intensity exercise compared to cardio. Your body is better able to handle weight training early in the workout because you're fresh and you have the energy you need to work it. Conversely, cardiovascular exercise should be the last thing you do at the gym, because it helps your body recover by increasing blood flow to the muscles, and flushing out lactic acid, which builds up in the muscles while you're weight training. It’s the lactic acid that makes your muscles feel stiff and sore.
23. Burn fat during intervals. To improve your fitness quickly and lose weight, harness the joys of interval training. Set the treadmill or step machine on the interval programme, where your speed and workload varies from minute to minute. Build up gradually, every minute and return to the starting speed. Repeat this routine. Not only will it be less monotonous, but you can train for a shorter time and achieve greater results.
24. Your dirtiest foot forward. If your ankles, knees, and hips ache from running on pavement, head for the dirt. Soft trails or graded roads are a lot easier on your joints than the hard stuff. Also, dirt surfaces tend to be uneven, forcing you to slow down a bit and focus on where to put your feet – great for agility and concentration.
25. Burn the boredom, blast the lard. Rev up your metabolism by alternating your speed and intensity during aerobic workouts. Not only should you alternate your routine to prevent burnout or boredom, but to give your body a jolt. If you normally walk at 6.5km/h on the treadmill or take 15 minutes to walk a km, up the pace by going at 8km/h for a minute or so during your workout. Do this every five minutes or so. Each time you work out, increase your bouts of speed in small increments.
26. Cool off without a beer. Don’t eat carbohydrates for at least an hour after exercise. This will force your body to break down body fat, rather than using the food you ingest. Stick to fruit and fluids during that hour, but avoid beer.
27. ‘Okay, now do 100 of those’. Instead of flailing away at gym, enlist the help – even temporarily – of a personal trainer. Make sure you learn to breathe properly and to do the exercises the right way. You’ll get more of a workout while spending less time at the gym.
28. Stop fuming. Don’t smoke and if you smoke already, do everything in your power to quit. Don’t buy into that my-granny-smoked-and-lived-to-be-90 crud – not even the tobacco giants believe it. Apart from the well-known risks of heart disease and cancer, orthopaedic surgeons have found that smoking accelerates bone density loss and constricts blood flow. So you could live to be a 90-year-old amputee who smells of stale tobacco smoke. Unsexy.
29. Find out your family history. You need to know if there are any inherited diseases prowling your gene pool. According to the Mayo Clinic, USA, finding out what your grandparents died of can provide useful – even lifesaving – information about what’s in store for you. And be candid, not coy: 25 percent of the children of alcoholics become alcoholics themselves.
30. Do self-checks. Do regular self-examinations of your breasts. Most partners are more than happy to help, not just because breast cancer is the most common cancer among SA women. The best time to examine your breasts is in the week after your period.
31. My smear campaign. Have a pap smear once a year. Not on our list of favourite things, but it’s vital. Cervical cancer kills 200 000 women a year and it’s the most prevalent form of cancer among black women, affecting more than 30 percent. But the chances of survival are nearly 100 percent if it’s detected early. Be particularly careful if you became sexually active at an early age, have had multiple sex partners or smoke.
32. Understand hormones. Recent research suggests that short-term (less than five years) use of HRT is not associated with an increase in the risk of breast cancer, but that using it for more than ten years might be. Breast cancer is detected earlier in women using HRT, as they are more alert to the disease than other women.
32. Beat the sneezes. There are more than 240 allergens, some rare and others very common. If you’re a sneezer due to pollen: close your car’s windows while driving, rather switch on the internal fan (drawing in air from the outside), and avoid being outdoors between 5am and 10 am when pollen counts are at their highest; stick to holidays in areas with low pollen counts, such as the seaside and stay away from freshly cut grass.
33. Doggone. If you’re allergic to your cat, dog, budgie or pet piglet, stop suffering the ravages of animal dander: Install an air filter in your home. Keep your pet outside as much as possible and brush him outside of the home to remove loose hair and other allergens. Better yet, ask someone else to do so.
34. Asthma-friendly sports. Swimming is the most asthma-friendly sport of all, but cycling, canoeing, fishing, sailing and walking are also good, according to the experts. Asthma need not hinder peak performance in sport. 11 percent of the US Olympic team were asthmatics – and between them they won 41 medals.
35. Deep heat. Sun rays can burn even through thick glass, and under water. Up to 35 percent of UVB rays and 85 percent of UVA rays penetrate thick glass, while 50 percent of UVB rays and 77 percent of UVA rays penetrate a meter of water and wet cotton clothing. Which means you’ll need sunscreen while driving your car on holiday, and water resistant block if you’re swimming.
36. Fragrant ageing. Stay away from perfumed or flavoured suntan lotions which smell of coconut oil or orange if you want your skin to stay young. These lotions contain psoralen, which speeds up the ageing process. Rather use a fake-tan lotion. Avoid sun beds, which are as bad as the sun itself.
37. Sunscreen can be a smokescreen. Sunscreen is unlikely to stop you from being sunburned, or to reduce your risk of developing skin cancer. That’s because most people don’t apply it properly, and stay in the sun too long. The solution? Slather on sunscreen daily and reapply it often, especially if you’ve been in the water. How much? At least enough to fill a shot glass.
38. Laugh and cry. Having a good sob is reputed to be good for you. So is laughter, which has been shown to help heal bodies, as well as broken hearts. Studies in Japan indicate that laughter boosts the immune system and helps the body shake off allergic reactions.
39. It ain’t over till it’s over. End relationships that no longer work for you, as you could be spending time in a dead end. Rather head for more meaningful things. You could be missing opportunities while you’re stuck in a meaningless rut, trying to breathe life into something that is long gone.
40. Strong people go for help. Ask for assistance. Gnashing your teeth in the dark will not get you extra brownie points. It is a sign of strength to ask for assistance and people will respect you for it. If there is a relationship problem, the one who refuses to go for help is usually the one with whom the problem lies to begin with.
41. Save steamy scenes for the bedroom. Showering or bathing in water that’s too hot will dry out your skin and cause it to age prematurely. Warm water is much better. Apply moisturiser while your skin is still damp – it’ll be absorbed more easily. Adding a little olive oil to your bath with help keep your skin moisturised too.
42. Here’s the rub. Improve your circulation and help your lymph glands to drain by the way you towel off. Helping your lymph glands function can help prevent them becoming infected. When drying off your limbs and torso, brush towards the groin on your legs and towards the armpits on your upper body. You can do the same during gentle massage with your partner.
43. Sugar-coated. More than three million South Africans suffer from type 2 diabetes, and the incidence is increasing – with new patients getting younger. New studies show this type of diabetes is often part of a metabolic syndrome (X Syndrome), which includes high blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease. More than 80 percent of type 2 diabetics die of heart disease, so make sure you control your glucose levels, and watch your blood pressure and cholesterol counts.
44. Relax, it’s only sex. Stress and sex make bad bedfellows, it seems. A US survey showed that stress, kids and work are main factors to dampen libido. With the advent of technology that allows us to work from home, the lines between our jobs and our personal lives have become blurred. People work longer hours, commutes are longer and work pervades all aspects of our lives, including our sexual relationships. Put nooky and intimacy on the agenda, just like everything else.
45. Good night, sweetheart. Rest heals the body and has been shown to lessen the risk of heart trouble and psychological problems.
Former Super Eagles midfielder, Thompson Oliha dies at 44
Former Super Eagles player, Thompson Oliha, has passed on. The midfielder, who was among the 1994 victorious Super Eagles' squad that won the Nations cup in Tunisia, died today Sunday, June 30 at 4.05 am at the Yusjib industrial medicare hospital, Ilorin, Kwara State, Super Sport reports.
Confirming his death in Ilorin, Doctor Yusuf Addulraheem told Super Sport that Oliha was brought to the hospital at the time when there was nothing he could do to resuscitate him.
“I feel so sad to confirm to you that Thompson Oliha is dead and by the time his wife brought him here, the body was completely lifeless. His wife Irish Oliha told me that he slumped in the toilet before rushing him to hospital and there was nothing we could do to save him,”
Until his death, Oliha was the head coach of the Kwara Football Academy (KFA) in Ilorin, Kwara State. He was 44 years old. May his soul rest in peace...Amen.
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Breast examination in the shower;
The breast self-exam is a way that you can check your breasts for changes (such as lumps or thickenings). It includes looking at and feeling your breast. Any unusual changes should be reported to your doctor. When breast cancer is detected in its early stages, your chances of surviving the disease are greatly improved.
1. It is helpful to have your hands slippery with soap and water.
2. Check for any lumps or thickening in your underarm area.
3. Place your left hand on your hip and reach with your right hand to feel in the left armpit. Repeat on the other side.
4. Check both sides for lumps or thickenings above and below your collarbone.
5. With hands soapy, raise one arm behind your head to spread out the breast tissue.
6. Use the flat part of your fingers from the other hand to press gently into the breast.
7. Follow an up-and-down pattern along the breast, moving from bra line to collarbone. you can also apply the circular or wedge pattern.
8. Continue the pattern until you have covered the entire breast. Repeat on the other side.
Do good to someone by sharing this vital tip...
The breast self-exam is a way that you can check your breasts for changes (such as lumps or thickenings). It includes looking at and feeling your breast. Any unusual changes should be reported to your doctor. When breast cancer is detected in its early stages, your chances of surviving the disease are greatly improved.
1. It is helpful to have your hands slippery with soap and water.
2. Check for any lumps or thickening in your underarm area.
3. Place your left hand on your hip and reach with your right hand to feel in the left armpit. Repeat on the other side.
4. Check both sides for lumps or thickenings above and below your collarbone.
5. With hands soapy, raise one arm behind your head to spread out the breast tissue.
6. Use the flat part of your fingers from the other hand to press gently into the breast.
7. Follow an up-and-down pattern along the breast, moving from bra line to collarbone. you can also apply the circular or wedge pattern.
8. Continue the pattern until you have covered the entire breast. Repeat on the other side.
Do good to someone by sharing this vital tip...
Scholarships: 2013 NNPC / ESSO International Postgraduate Scholarship Awards.
Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited (EEPNL) is offering
Scholarships to outstanding Nigerian graduates wishing to pursue
International post-graduate studies in the underlisted disciplines:
Geosciences, Engineering (Petroleum, Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Electronics, Civil/Structural, Marine and
Sub Sea)
Follow link to apply. .
Application deadline: 4th July, 2013.
21 years old Upcoming Artiste “Sam Genius” Aquires 78Million Mansion in Lekki
21 years old SAMUEL AKPAN IDUT, aka Sam Genius, who is an Abuja Base artiste/Model has just acquired a brand new Mansion worth a whooping 78Million Naira in a choice area at Lekki, Lagos.
Earlier this year he bought himself a Toyota Camry 2013 model Automobile,the artiste who is currently in UK for a Club Tour and also gearing up for a Video shoot for one of his latest singles with Clarence Peter Montage.
He’s the co-owner of Abuja Record label “Blue City Records”, this young dude is really balling… at his age, he makes the top young Nigerian upcoming artiste to own a posh landed property in Lekki.
Earlier this year he bought himself a Toyota Camry 2013 model Automobile,the artiste who is currently in UK for a Club Tour and also gearing up for a Video shoot for one of his latest singles with Clarence Peter Montage.
He’s the co-owner of Abuja Record label “Blue City Records”, this young dude is really balling… at his age, he makes the top young Nigerian upcoming artiste to own a posh landed property in Lekki.
Tonto Dikeh Reacts To Weed Pictures
“As much as I would like to ignore the current issue on hemp, I think
I owe well-meaning people some clarification. It is so easy the
misconception that can come from a picture- the genius of technology. If
you cannot find me holding a wrap of marijuana then you may want to
slow down on your assumptions. We shouldn’t use our platforms to spread
A fan wrote those words with herbs on my birthday on instagram, and I replied: “Thank you #teampoko”. Now how does someone else’s action become my crime? If I said those words (‘Mi smoke gaja mi smoke weed while my hatez smoke ma gossip’ ) I will stand by them but I didn’t, and just because it is convenient for people to believe the lies still doesn’t make it the truth. The whole thing is falsified by people who just love to have fun at others expense.
Let’s put some thought to some of the things we write. Don’t do cut-and-paste. The original pictures are there to see; but no! That is too boring to be the truth. We want the truth to be nasty and spicy for our enjoyment, even if it is a pack of lies. Visit my instagram page and see if the original picture is the same as the ones being circulated
Personally, I have moved on to more significant things and I want you to join me. Do you know how many women suffer domestic violence in Nigeria? What can be done to stop it? Shouldn’t we try to revive the Nigerian homes so we can groom happy and confident children? I am putting the weight of my voice behind domestic violence. What about you?
Stop hitting, slapping, cursing, hurting your partner! Where is the love? Let’s restore the dignity of society with the platform given to us by God. Use that platform of yours to build awareness for more important issues.” – Tonto Dikeh
A fan wrote those words with herbs on my birthday on instagram, and I replied: “Thank you #teampoko”. Now how does someone else’s action become my crime? If I said those words (‘Mi smoke gaja mi smoke weed while my hatez smoke ma gossip’ ) I will stand by them but I didn’t, and just because it is convenient for people to believe the lies still doesn’t make it the truth. The whole thing is falsified by people who just love to have fun at others expense.
Let’s put some thought to some of the things we write. Don’t do cut-and-paste. The original pictures are there to see; but no! That is too boring to be the truth. We want the truth to be nasty and spicy for our enjoyment, even if it is a pack of lies. Visit my instagram page and see if the original picture is the same as the ones being circulated
Personally, I have moved on to more significant things and I want you to join me. Do you know how many women suffer domestic violence in Nigeria? What can be done to stop it? Shouldn’t we try to revive the Nigerian homes so we can groom happy and confident children? I am putting the weight of my voice behind domestic violence. What about you?
Stop hitting, slapping, cursing, hurting your partner! Where is the love? Let’s restore the dignity of society with the platform given to us by God. Use that platform of yours to build awareness for more important issues.” – Tonto Dikeh
All I want is her waist, No love” Iyanya replies Yvonne Nelson
Iyanya was on the Tim Westwood show in the UK a few days back and
while free styling with Kukere, he kinda replied his ex-girlfriend’s
recent emotional interview.
Iyanya sang:
“Yvonne Nelson, I lost your medicine. She called that she’s coming over and I ride her like a jangolova. All I want is your waist, no emotions, no tears, no letters, no love, no nothing. All I want is your waist, she ain’t even know it. She brought emotions.
Iyanya sang:
“Yvonne Nelson, I lost your medicine. She called that she’s coming over and I ride her like a jangolova. All I want is your waist, no emotions, no tears, no letters, no love, no nothing. All I want is your waist, she ain’t even know it. She brought emotions.
Mike Adenuga Paid Sum Of N200 Million For His Burial Spot In A Cemetery
Second African and Nigeria Richest Man and CEO of Globacom
Telecommunication Plc Chief Mike Adenuga,was reportedly paid a whooping
sum of N200 million,to secure a place for him to be buried after his
dismiss. Chief Mike Adenuga got himself some space at the Vaults and
Garden, an ultra modern cemetery in Ikoyi, Lagos, beside Federal Radio
Corporation Of Nigeria.
Former Governor of Lagos Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, open the cemetery in October 30th, 2006,Since then the cemetry as being used by the rich people and super rich people in nigeria. The cemetery space cost from rate of N750,000 to N40million or even above that price.
Former Governor of Lagos Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, open the cemetery in October 30th, 2006,Since then the cemetry as being used by the rich people and super rich people in nigeria. The cemetery space cost from rate of N750,000 to N40million or even above that price.
Tonto Dikeh Risks Jail Term For Posting Weed Photos On Instagram?
For posting the marijuana photos on her instagram page, a representative of The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency is saying actress Tonto Dikeh faces jail term.
NDLEA spokesman Mr. Mitchell Ofoyejus told reporters.
“Our attention has been drawn to the post quite frankly and I can tell you that action will be taken on it. The law is clear and NDLEA has been very clear on the issue. No one is permitted to sell, use, cultivate or encourage the use of Indian hemp in Nigeria. The weed is one of the banned narcotics in the country.
“NDLEA Act Section 14 (b) states that any person who conspires with, aids, abets, counsels, attempts to commit or is an accessory to any act or offence referred to in this act shall be guilty of an offence under this act and liable on conviction to be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than 15 years and not exceeding 25 years.
So if you get 15 years for posting a weed photo on social media, what do you now get for selling and distributing? And what about those who sing about it? I don't get! Continue...
“Investigation has not started as of now but definitely, a step has to be taken on the matter. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse; so, it is obvious that the actress stands the risk of 15 years jail term. The appropriate department is meeting on the issue for necessary action.”
The NDLEA spokesman, however, declined to give any hint on particular steps the agency would take in its investigation, citing reasons bearing on ethics.
NDLEA spokesman Mr. Mitchell Ofoyejus told reporters.
“Our attention has been drawn to the post quite frankly and I can tell you that action will be taken on it. The law is clear and NDLEA has been very clear on the issue. No one is permitted to sell, use, cultivate or encourage the use of Indian hemp in Nigeria. The weed is one of the banned narcotics in the country.
“NDLEA Act Section 14 (b) states that any person who conspires with, aids, abets, counsels, attempts to commit or is an accessory to any act or offence referred to in this act shall be guilty of an offence under this act and liable on conviction to be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than 15 years and not exceeding 25 years.
So if you get 15 years for posting a weed photo on social media, what do you now get for selling and distributing? And what about those who sing about it? I don't get! Continue...
“Investigation has not started as of now but definitely, a step has to be taken on the matter. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse; so, it is obvious that the actress stands the risk of 15 years jail term. The appropriate department is meeting on the issue for necessary action.”
The NDLEA spokesman, however, declined to give any hint on particular steps the agency would take in its investigation, citing reasons bearing on ethics.
How Your Moods Affects Your Skin
Your emotions can show up on your face in more ways than one. Find out how your feelings can hurt and help your complexion.
Smile for Good Skin:
The saying “laughter is the best medicine” actually has some medical validity. Studies show that our emotions can have positive and negative consequences on our bodies, and affect the appearance of our skin. “I always say that life is in your head,” “Meaning, your moods and outlook have the greatest impact on how you look, and how others perceive you.”
When you feel threatened or in danger — whether the cause is real or imagined — the brain’s first reaction is to signal the adrenal glands to release epinephrine, better known as adrenaline. As a result, heart rate speed increases, rushing blood to the body’s big power muscles, in case you need the burst of energy to run fast. Adrenaline also commandeers some of that blood from the skin and face, and constricts blood vessels in the skin to control and limit bleeding if wounded. The fear chemicals can cause you to look pale and dull, as if you’d just seen a ghost.
Like anger, sadness weighs heavily on the face, and can cause wrinkles from repetitively frowning and furrowing brows. Research now suggests that facial expression has such a strong effect on skin, that if you don’t have the ability to frown, you might actually feel less sadness.
Long-term depression has disastrous effects on skin, because the chemicals associated with the condition can prevent your body from repairing inflammation in cells. These hormones affect sleep, which will show on our faces in the form of baggy, puffy eyes and a dull or lifeless complexion.
Embarrassment can move from your brain to your skin, when neuropeptide receptors in skin receive messages, causing you to blush. The sensitivity of the sympathetic nervous system determines why how often and easily one blushes, as well as how hot your skin feels.
Blushing easily and frequently can be precursor to the chronic swollen blood vessel condition known as rosacea. However, blushing should not be confused with flushing, which shades a more intense red, spreads over the body and not just the face, and is usually caused by an external factor like temperature or spicy food.
Out of all the emotions, stress is youth’s biggest enemy. Stress can age your face far more rapidly than the passage of time.
During those stressful times, that chocolate bar, bag of salty potato chips or tempting cocktail often look more tantalizing than ever. When you’re stressed, you may eat different foods than you usually do, and drink less water and more alcohol, which will can show in the dehydration.You may also pay less attention to your skincare routine. While dehydration can make wrinkles and fine lines look more pronounced, the combination of a poor diet and spotty skincare can spell breakout trouble for the acne-prone.
Road rage or arguing with your mother can set the stage for more wrinkles. Anger makes your facial muscles tense, which over time gives you lines.
Feelings of anger can also affect how your skin rejuvenates and heals.
WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! PHOTO: Another Baby Abandoned By Teenage Mother In Osun State
Health workers and patients at the Osun State General Hospital, Osogbo were left confused on Friday when a nursing mother, Mrs. Grace Adipe, allegedly abandoned her three-day-old baby in the hospital.
The hospital community was taken aback as the news spread.
A woman, Adijat Bamijoko, told reporters that she was in the hospital to assist a patient when the incident occurred on Thursday, and wondered “how a nursing mother could abandon her child.
“Although, I do not know the woman, but one wonders why she should abandon her baby in the hospital where Gov. Rauf Aregbesola had made medication free for all,” she said.
Other people who expressed surprise over the incident, called on the hospital’s management to ensure that the fleeing mother was brought back to care for her baby.
Search team, including government officials and law enforcement agents had failed in their effort to find the woman.
The Osun Commissioner for Women and Children’s Affairs, Mrs. Mofolake Adegboyega, said in a statement that efforts to contact the woman by the hospital authorities were yet to yield results.
Adegboyega called Adipe’s relations and members of the public to be vigilant on the whereabouts of the woman.
She urged members of the public to consider the innocence and future of the child and help in efforts to find the mother and her relations.
The commissioner said that any information about Adipe’s whereabouts should be directed to the nearest police station or the Director of Social Welfare in the ministry, Mrs. Grace Adegoke.
The hospital community was taken aback as the news spread.
A woman, Adijat Bamijoko, told reporters that she was in the hospital to assist a patient when the incident occurred on Thursday, and wondered “how a nursing mother could abandon her child.
“Although, I do not know the woman, but one wonders why she should abandon her baby in the hospital where Gov. Rauf Aregbesola had made medication free for all,” she said.
Other people who expressed surprise over the incident, called on the hospital’s management to ensure that the fleeing mother was brought back to care for her baby.
Search team, including government officials and law enforcement agents had failed in their effort to find the woman.
The Osun Commissioner for Women and Children’s Affairs, Mrs. Mofolake Adegboyega, said in a statement that efforts to contact the woman by the hospital authorities were yet to yield results.
Adegboyega called Adipe’s relations and members of the public to be vigilant on the whereabouts of the woman.
She urged members of the public to consider the innocence and future of the child and help in efforts to find the mother and her relations.
The commissioner said that any information about Adipe’s whereabouts should be directed to the nearest police station or the Director of Social Welfare in the ministry, Mrs. Grace Adegoke.
Friday, 28 June 2013
"I Am Not Giving OJB Any Money- Kemi Omololu Olunloyo
Guys!! PLS!!! Don't beg me for MONEY on my page.
Absolutey NOT! I don't know you but I know 419 schemes.
First I am not a bank. You go to your banks, relatives or elected leaders. I am finding my way around this country after 35 years while u are begging me. I do not know any OJB Jezreel singer nor am I paying your school fees. All I heard when I got off the plane from Canada was everyone calling me Deportee. I antagonized gun laws in a country where black children were being gunned down and white governments were scrapping the gun registry, meanwhile being sent home bcos Nigeria is no longer dangerous (as written in my immigration document)
Now everyone is trying to cash in on me?? Hell NO! I don't help ppl with anything ANYMORE on this page or elsewhere! Call me stingy, I love it! Some of u are even trying to use the name of a singer I dont even know to SCAM me. Almost 9 ppl now.
Guys!! PLS!!! Don't beg me for MONEY on my page. Absolutey NOT! I don't know you but I know 419 schemes. First I am not a bank. You go to your banks, relatives or elected leaders. I am finding my way around this country after 35 years while u are begging me. I do not know any OJB Jezreel singer nor am I paying your school fees. All I heard when I got off the plane from Canada was everyone calling me Deportee. I antagonized gun laws in a country where black children were being gunned down and white governments were scrapping the gun registry, meanwhile being sent home bcos Nigeria is no longer dangerous (as written in my immigration document) Now everyone is trying to cash in on me?? Hell NO! I don't help ppl with anything ANYMORE on this page or elsewhere! Call me stingy, I love it! Some of u are even trying to use the name of a singer I dont even know to SCAM me. Almost 9 ppl now. STOP IT!!
1. No Breakfast – People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating – It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking – It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
3. Smoking – It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption – Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution – The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation – Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping – Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness – Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts – Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely – Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.
Please pay caution and try to avoid such situations!!
Please share the information
The Top 10 Brain Foods, Boost Your Brain Power & Energy
Eat up.
1. Blueberries—Blueberries serve a wide range of functions for improving mental function. Most notably, regular blueberry consumption has been shown to improve memory function. Furthermore, blueberries are rich in antioxidants, helping to prevent free radical damage. Still not convinced? Research has found that blueberries can also reverse age related declines in motor function, balance, and coordination.
2. Salmon—Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, salmon helps your brain develop tissue for increasing your brain power. Furthermore, salmon also plays a key role in fighting Alzheimer’s and other age-related cognitive disorders.
3. Flax seeds—Flax seeds are crammed with ALA- a healthy fat that aids the cerebral cortex in functioning better. This is the portion of the brain responsible for processing sensory information. Keeping it sharp is vital.
4. Coffee—Regular coffee drinking has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and other mental disorders. That’s because caffeine is good for the brain (in moderation), and it contains antioxidants. The important thing to note is you shouldn’t add in all the other junk to your coffee (the ridiculous Starbucks drinks crammed with sweeteners and fatty products).
5. Mixed nuts—Peanuts, walnuts, pecans, and other nuts contain properties that help with everything from fighting insomnia to promoting mental clarity and strong memory. Walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids while almonds contain natural mood-enhancing neurotransmitters.
6. Avocados—Don’t let the avocado’s fat content fool you. It’s a healthy fat that promotes blood flow, keeping your mind functioning at its peak. That’s not all: Avocados have also been shown to reduce blood pressure.
7. Eggs—Egg yolks are rich in choline, an essential nutrient to improving memory function.
8. Whole grains—From oatmeal to whole grain bread, whole grains are excellent brain foods as they improve circulation and contain essential fibers, vitamins, and even some Omega-3. Just make your sandwiches from whole grain breads to enjoy the benefits.
9. Chocolate—For me, this is the yummiest brain food of all. Dark chocolate is antioxidant-rich, and it also improves focus and concentration. Milk chocolate, on the other hand, improves memory and reaction time.
10. Broccoli—Broccoli has been shown to improve memory function as well as slow the aging process. This means a broccoli-rich diet will keep you young and sharp.
Which brain foods do you enjoy eating?
An Open Letter to Women from Men
Dear Women,
First of all, we're sorry. We're sorry that although we look like men, we often act like boys. We're not even sure what it means to be men anymore. As we grow up, we learn that to be happy is to be self-indulgent and self-centered. We try to make enough money so that we can have the right TV with the right video games in the right home. We want to date you and maybe even marry you but we are scared to focus on someone else instead of ourselves. Isn't it sad that we see committing to you as a potential threat to our happiness instead of a wonderful opportunity?
Here's what we don't understand: True happiness comes from being true men. We think and act like boys who don't want their toys taken away. We look up to "role models" in the media who teach us to get as much gratification out of life as possible. We may claim to be spiritual, or even firm atheists, but pleasure is the god that we worship, whether we realize it or not. Unfortunately, women tend to be just another part of our hedonistic lifestyle. Please know this: True men won't treat you like an irritating obstacle or a sexual convenience.
A real man understands that women are to be cherished and treated with care and honor. He sees marriage as the opportunity to be a real-life superhero—he leaves behind his old identity and becomes a new person, dedicated to serving his wife and children. Although he will struggle at first, a true man who marries eventually understands that he can't fit through the narrow doorway to happiness if he tries to carry all of his toys with him. There is just enough room for him and his wife, arm in arm, committed to their marriage.
Women, you can help us become real men! Most importantly, we want to feel admired by you. Help us to know that you love us just as we are, even if there is room for improvement. Do this by giving us words of validation; praise us for the things we do well. This means more to us than we let on.
In return, we will make sure that you feel loved and cherished by us. We will learn to talk with you so you can be heard and understood, not so that we can tell you how to solve your problems. We'll also try to learn to express how we feel without withdrawing or getting angry. With polished communication we can learn that what makes you happy makes us happy too! What a concept!
Once again, we're sorry. We are to blame, even though good male role models are hard to find these days. We've ignored our calling to become true men and instead act like we're in high school for as long as we can. Please trust that we are capable of more than this.
If you are frustrated with the man in your life, do your best to forgive him and start fresh. After a while, if it's clear that he will not become a real man, leave him. You deserve better.
A healthy relationship will make everyone involved feel happy. When we are happy, we are capable of living meaningful and fulfilling lives alongside one another. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we journey onward to find happiness and become real men.
We cant say all the celebrities are not trying to do their part to save OJB as the Okoye brothers, Peter, Paul (P-Square) & Jude have donated N5 million to help save OJB. They personally delivered the check to OJB when they went to visit him at his home in Surulere, Lagos.
Joy Tongo, the group’s agent in the US also confirmed the story via her social media pagen addition, Iyanya & his manager Ubi Franklin donated 1 million to help the ailing producer.
There’s been a lot of goodwill pouring from both celebrities and fans, and many who might not be able to donate have sent their blessing and prayers and support.
Microsoft Surface Tablet PC
The Microsoft Surface is the first Microsoft-designed tablet computer. The Intel-powered version is thicker and heavier than the ARM one, but comes with the much more powerful Windows 8 Pro, providing the full functionality of a PC. It has a large 10.6", high-resolution touchscreen and powerful hardware characteristics that allow it to compete with both tablets and high-end laptops alike.Pen Input Pen input and Pen (included with purchase)CPU 3rd Gen 1Intel CoreTM i5 Processor with Intel HD Graphics 4000 4GB RAM Dual Channel Memory Wireless Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n)Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy technology Battery 42 W-h Cameras and A/V Two 720p HD LifeCams, front- and rear-facing with True Color Microphone, Stereo speakers Ports Full-size USB 3.0 microSDXC card slot.
EFCC Arrests Two Undergraduates, Six others Over Internet Scam
Financial Crimes Commission has arrested two undergraduate Internet scammers and six other fraudsters at the upscale 1004 Housing Estate, Victoria Island, Lagos. One of the undergraduate, Hope Olusegun, a 25 year-old indigene of Okene, Kogi State, claims to be a student of Computer Science at the Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University, Malaysia. He was arrested by operatives of EFCC over allegations of fraud and internet scam.
A petition by a concerned group alerted the Commission about the activities of Olusegun and his co-travelers at the elite 1004 Housing Estate where the fraudsters engaged in fraudulent activities of obtaining money by false pretences and forgery.
A search conducted by EFCC operatives at Olusegun' s apartment led to the recovery of several items such as laptops, iPad phones, travelling documents, cheque books, flash drives, internet modem, and three exotic cars - a Mercedes Benz Jeep, One 4Matic Mercedes Benz Car and a Range Rover Sport SUV. When asked how he came about the cars, Olusegun said the cars belonged to his sister who he claimed lives in the United Kingdom.
Operatives of the EFCC also downloaded over 80 implicating documents from the laptops recovered from Olusegun. However, the Commission is making effort to track down other members of Olusegun's syndicate who are currently at large.
Tunde Wasiu Sodiq, another undergraduate and member of another syndicate with close affinity to Olusegun's gang was also nabbed by operatives of the EFCC at the Housing Estate. Besides Sodiq, six other members of the syndicate were equally arrested. They are: Badmus Akeem O, Ajijola Oluwatosin Emmanuel, Adebesin Olalekan, Raji Resaq O, Ajibola Adeniyi and Adeboye Lamidi.
Their arrest was sequel to a petition on their notorious activities at the Housing Estate. Sodiq (23) hails from Lagos and claimed to be an undergraduate of Brandry University, Malaysia. The leader of the syndicate, Badmus Akeem, hails from Ayetoro, Ogun State and attended Oniwaya High School, Agege. He claimed to be a traveler who does odd jobs wherever he travels. "I decided to move to Malaysia to further my education while I do "Hot jobs" as well. I just got back a week ago before the festive period and also produce music and manage artistes," he claimed. On why he chose to live at the expensive 1004 estate where he and his friends pay N30, 000 daily, he said it was to avoid the stress that friends and relations could bring to him. "I didn't stay on the Mainland in Lagos because of stress of friends when you just get back from abroad."
Sodiq said that the Range Rover Sport car which was recovered from them belonged to his mother despite the fact that the car bears his alias, "T.Wizzle" .He stated in his statement that the mother decided to customize the car plate number after the name of his first son.
Other items recovered by the Commission include laptops, flash drives, internet modem, cheque books and a host of others.
They are to be arraigned in court soon.

Operatives of the EFCC also downloaded over 80 implicating documents from the laptops recovered from Olusegun. However, the Commission is making effort to track down other members of Olusegun's syndicate who are currently at large.
Tunde Wasiu Sodiq, another undergraduate and member of another syndicate with close affinity to Olusegun's gang was also nabbed by operatives of the EFCC at the Housing Estate. Besides Sodiq, six other members of the syndicate were equally arrested. They are: Badmus Akeem O, Ajijola Oluwatosin Emmanuel, Adebesin Olalekan, Raji Resaq O, Ajibola Adeniyi and Adeboye Lamidi.
Their arrest was sequel to a petition on their notorious activities at the Housing Estate. Sodiq (23) hails from Lagos and claimed to be an undergraduate of Brandry University, Malaysia. The leader of the syndicate, Badmus Akeem, hails from Ayetoro, Ogun State and attended Oniwaya High School, Agege. He claimed to be a traveler who does odd jobs wherever he travels. "I decided to move to Malaysia to further my education while I do "Hot jobs" as well. I just got back a week ago before the festive period and also produce music and manage artistes," he claimed. On why he chose to live at the expensive 1004 estate where he and his friends pay N30, 000 daily, he said it was to avoid the stress that friends and relations could bring to him. "I didn't stay on the Mainland in Lagos because of stress of friends when you just get back from abroad."
Sodiq said that the Range Rover Sport car which was recovered from them belonged to his mother despite the fact that the car bears his alias, "T.Wizzle" .He stated in his statement that the mother decided to customize the car plate number after the name of his first son.
Other items recovered by the Commission include laptops, flash drives, internet modem, cheque books and a host of others.
They are to be arraigned in court soon.
I Am Having Great Sex With My Married Pastor
I really need your assistance.
I recently started a relationship with my married pastor whom I have been close to for a while now. He has always been there for me through everything and he also inspire me. This is one of the reasons we bonded. Lately I have started developing some romantic feelings for him and I was very excited when he told me he felt the same way.
I know this is wrong but we have begun a sexual relationship and the sex is the best I have ever had. I don't know how to stop and I have also started becoming jealous of his wife because he goes home to her every night after being with me.
what do i do??
FASTCLICK NETWORK: Mercy Johnson visits OJB Jezreel
FASTCLICK NETWORK: Mercy Johnson visits OJB Jezreel: Mercy Johnson Okojie paid a visit to ailing music producer, OJB Jezreel at his Surulere residence on Wednesday, June 26, 2013. Insider...
Photos: Couple Fell To Death After Window They Had Sex Against Broke!

A COUPLE are believed to have fallen to their deaths when a window they were having sex against gave way, say reports.
The horrific accident allegedly happened in China when the glass pane shattered.The tragic man and woman are then understood to have hurtled to their deaths.
Eyewitnesses said the couple both fell to the ground as they clinched on to each other. A source in China said: “With the two of them holding each other tight, they fell out of the building”.
Blood is splattered near their bodies on the pavement.
Medical staff and what appear to be police officers can also be seen examining the scene.
The man and woman are thought to have fallen out of an apartment in the city of Wuhan, central China.
Local sites suggested windows in the building were of poor quality.
How I was kidnapped, raped for rejecting love advances – UNILAG student
The suspect, Babajide Bashorun, was also alleged to have taken nude shots of his victim (names withheld) and pasted them on the internet with her real name, school, department and age.
But the suspect in an interview with Vanguard claimed that the lady was his girlfriend. He admitted to have taken her nude pictures and gave them to his friends whose identities he gave as Aje Mayowa and Babajide Ademuyiwa, both final year students of Architecture also of UNILAG.
The incident, as gathered, occurred two months ago at 1, Ajose Street, Enu-Owa area of Lagos Island. But the female undergraduate was silent over the matter until her relations abroad who stumbled on the nude pictures on the internet contacted her mother in Nigeria, last week.
How it started
Narrating how the incident occurred, the female undergraduate said: “Babajide came to our house to treat our dog. In the process, he requested for my phone number and I reluctantly gave him. He started calling me and told me he would like to go out with me.
“But I told him I already had a boyfriend whom I loved. Yet, he kept calling me, saying he was not interested in just going out with me but wanted to marry me. Aside that, he kept monitoring my movements and at a point, I deleted his contact on my phone.
“I was returning home for a weekend in April , a car stopped by my side at Idumota bus-stop. Jide was sitting beside a driver who was unknown to me.
“On sighting him, I walked past. But the next thing he did was to hold me by the hand, dragged me into the car and drove to his house.
“When he got home, he started beating me and tore my clothes, asking what I wanted that he could not give me. He instructed me to unlock my phone and when he discovered that I used my boyfriend’s name as password, he resumed the beating.
“At a point, he gave me his phone to speak with some of his friends who told me I was in for trouble, for turning down a member of their unnamed cult, threatening that they would kill me for treating him shabbily.
“Thereafter, he raped me and when he was done, his friend took his turn despite my plea. When he saw I was bleeding, he stopped and started begging me. At that point, he brought out his phone and started taking my nude pictures. I made attempt to cover my face but he hit me on the head with a bottle and continued taking the shots.
How I escaped
“I begged him to allow me call my mother to give him some money for my release but he refused. I also appealed to him to delete my pictures when he started begging me.
“I stayed in that room all night till the next day when he went out to get me some drugs. Immediately he stepped out, I tried the door and discovered it was not locked from outside. I quickly changed into one of my dirty clothes in my bag and escaped.
“But I could not tell anyone at home. When my elder brother asked what the problem was on seeing the blood stained clothes, I told him I was involved in an accident and when my mother insisted on knowing what the problem was, I told her I fought with a course mate. She insisted on going to school with me on seeing the magnitude of the injury but I prevented her.
“Barely had I settled down than Babjide called, threatening to kill me if I disclosed what happened to anyone. As if that was not enough, his friends also called and threatened me as well.”
She is my girlfriend — Suspect
However, on his part, Babjide claimed that the undergraduate was his girlfriend, adding that they only had a fight on that fateful day.
Expressing shock over his arrest, he said: “She is my girlfriend. We only fought in April and have resolved the matter.
“What led to the fight was her request for money to buy an IPad which cost over N100,000. Because of my love for her, I managed to raise N70,000. She visited me on that day and I advised her to change her way of living which included going to club .
I also accused her of flirting with other men. Along the line, we started fighting and I used a mop stick to hit her and in the process , took shots of her and sent the pictures to my friends. But I did not tell them to paste the pictures on the internet.”
Police sources hinted that efforts were on to arrest Mayowa and Ademuyiwa alleged to have pasted the victim’s nude pictures on the internet, while Babajide had been charged to court for kidnapping, rape, conspiracy, attempt to commit murder, indecent assault, and assault occasioning harm.
Killer-doctor on the loose?
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Dr. Babawale's hospital |
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the mother of the child |
FOLLOWING the arrest, last week, of the owner of a Lagos-based hospital, Doctor Babawale Joshua for allegedly mutilating the corpse of a 13-month-old baby boy in his hospital, a 37-year- old woman identified as Cordelia Ifechukwude, has alleged that she suffered similar fate at the medical centre.
The Aniocha North, Delta-born mother of five narrated her experience at the No 1 Ajike close, branch of the medical centre, a few metres away from Amje bus-stop, Alakuko, a suburb of Lagos. According to her, “It happened in year 2000 when I took in with my first baby.
I registered at Ayinke House, Ikeja General Hospital, but because I was advised to also register at a clinic very close to our house, I registered at Ajike hospital at Amje bus stop, Alakuko. We lived at Ajegunle bus stop, not too far from the clinic.
The reason we chose Ajike medical centre was because my husband got acquainted with Dr Babawale Joshua, the Chief Medical Director and owner of the medical centre, and in the course of their discussion, he told my husband that he had his first degree in General Medicine and second degree in Public Health at the University of Ibadan. That might have prompted my husband to make up his mind about us registering at his clinic.
My pains and agony
“We trusted him based on the fact that the University of Ibadan has a good record when it comes to medicine. I went for Ante-Natal at the Ayinke House, Ikeja. Around the months of February/ March, I went into labour at about 5pm. My husband was still at work then, so I went to the nearest clinic where I registered, being Ajike medical centre. When he returned around 10pm that evening, my husband rushed to the clinic and met me lying in the theatre. that was around 10 pm.
I had been asked to trek about 5 km. But in the theatre, the nurses were pressing my stomach as if to force the child out. He asked them why they were pressing my stomach that hard? They told him there was no cause for alarm, that was how they aid women deliver babies at the clinic. We were not comfortable with that but because it was our first experience at childbirth, we had no option than to pray for the better. My husband was upset when he found out the doctor in charge was yet to attend to me since I arrived the hospital.
“Later that night, the doctor came in to attend to me and told my husband that everything was under control. I felt the kicks of my baby all through that evening. When my husband returned the next morning, he was surprised that I was yet to put to bed. Because I was yet to be attended to at that time, I complained to him that I experienced severe pain on my left leg, and that after so much pressing and squeezing from the nurses, the baby’s kicks were getting weaker.
He called the doctor down from the top floor of the building. The building also served as his residence. Dr. Babawale was not always at the clinic. He practises at the Medical centre of Lagos state Polytechnic. What he does was to keep nurses that are not medically qualified to attend to his patients at the Ajike Clinic.
“Also, on my second day at the clinic, my husband confided in me that as he was taking a walk around the premises that morning while he was waiting for the doctor to come down from his residence and attend to me. He said he saw a dead white cat, tied to an iron protector of one of the windows of the doctor’s main office, with something that looks like a blue ink sprinkled on the cat. He said he was shocked at the sight but since he did not know what it meant, he waved it off and concentrated on my safe delivery.
“By the evening of the second day, my baby’s kicks had stopped and I could hardly walk. But the nurse kept pressing my stomach and claimed they could still hear my baby’s movements. The doctor also claimed he could still hear the baby’s movement. I was later placed on a theatre table, naked.
The doctor removed my earrings and the rosary I had on my fingers. He sprinkled what he called anointing oil all over me, saying I was a witch and that I did not want to deliver the baby. At the end of the day, the second day passed and I was not delivered of the baby.
By the third day, I was no longer able to urinate and my left leg was literally dead. The doctor asked my husband to bring the sum of fifty thousand Naira for a cesarean operation, that the baby was stuck in my womb. That was when it dawned on my husband that if we continued like that, he would not only lose the baby, but his wife as well. He went and chartered a commercial bus that conveyed us to Ayinke House in Ikeja.
“The doctors at Ayinke were not particularly pleased with us for taking that long to come to them. They initially refused attending to me but when we showed them our card which was a proof that we were registered with them, they took me in and carried out a scan which showed the baby had been dead for some time. The report given after examining my condition was that Dr. Babawale did a ‘bad job’.
They also said there was no need for a cesarean operation since the baby was dead but that they would have to evacuate the baby using forceps. When the baby was pulled out, the pain was so unbearable that my screams engulfed the entire two-storey building that housed the ante natal building.
The whole place was covered with a foul stench because the baby was already decaying in my womb. Thereafter, I was wheeled to the theatre for cleaning. I spent three days at the hospital before being discharged. My file should still be at Ayinke as proof of this incident.”
Petition to Dental & Medical Council
She further told Crime Alert that the doctor was petitioned but after several hearings and investigations by the Dental and Medical Council of Nigeria and her lawyer, the case was rested. “My husband petitioned Dr. Babawale Joshua at the Dental and Medical Council.
Thereafter, the Association of International Female Lawyers’ assigned a lawyer by name, Carol Ajie to us, and Dr. Babawale also got a lawyer. Armed with the ‘bad job’ report that Ayinke, Ikeja wrote on how my case was handled, we headed to the panel. Unfortunately, after three hearings at Ijebu Ode, Gateway hotel, Ota, all in Ogun State, and Obalende Secretariat, Ikoyi Lagos, nothing much came out of it.
Although what we appealed for was that the case be properly investigated to avoid future occurrence. From the look of things, it seemed the Dental and Medical Council protected their own. Nothing concrete came out of that petition and investigations. Otherwise, these similar incidents at the medical centre would have been averted,” she stated.
Wizkid replaces crashed Porsche with new one
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Wizkid’s brand new Porshe |
Two weeks after crashing his N25million worth Porsche Panorama along Lekki-Epe express way in the early hours of Saturday, June 15, Wizkid has replaced the damaged Porsche with a brand new one.
He posted pictures of his new acquisition on his Instagram page and tagged it #Blessed.
Wizkid survived the accident after his newly acquired Porsche Panarama burst a tire, slammed into a road barrier, thankfully didn’t somersault but spun around multiple times before screeching dangerously to a halt with the damaged hood facing the side of the road.
Wizkid shaken but unhurt was immediately whisked away in another vehicle while his bodyguard waited to see the vehicle towed away. The pop singer was returning from a Soundcity Nokia #LumiaBeat Party and was in front of the Oriental hotel, Lekki when the accident occurred.
ources say tragedy was averted when the automobile’s airbag ejected immediately on impact shielding Wizkid and the driver instantly.
Thursday, 27 June 2013
*MUST READ* New Study Links Over 7,000 Cancer Deaths To Cell Phone
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New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures |
The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store
Lloyd Burrell
Natural News
June 24, 2013
Could exposure to radiation from cell phone towers really responsible for over 7,000 cancer deaths? According to research findings from Brazil, the facts speak for themselves. The study established a direct link between cancer deaths in Belo Horizonte, Brazil’s third largest city, with the cell phone network.
What does this direct link stem from?
Over 80 percent of those who succumbed to certain types of cancer resided approximately a third of a mile away from one of the hundreds of cell phone antennae that populate the city.
These cancers, primarily found in the prostate, breasts, lungs, kidneys, liver, are the ones associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
This is a real concern for cell phone users and even non- cell phone users. Those who shun mobile phone technology still suffer the consequences of cell phone tower radiation.
Is the Brazilian study an isolated study?
Cell phone tower studies which examined the relationship between radiation exposure and cancer rates were conducted in the city of San Francisco in addition to cities in Austria, Germany, and Israel, dating as far back as the 1970s. All the studies shared similar findings: living within a certain proximity to a cell phone tower increased the risk of cancer anywhere from two to 121 times depending on what type of cancer was detected.
Adilza Condessa Dode, PhD, one of the engineering researchers as well as the coordinator of the Brazilian study, addresses those who are concerned about cell phone tower radiation and explains the Brazil study does not stand alone. Dode elaborates, “these levels (EMFs), are already high and dangerous to human health. The closer you live to an antenna, the greater the contact with the electromagnetic field.”
The Brazilian study covers just one city in Brazil. Residents of the United States are vulnerable too as America is home to hundreds of thousands of these radiation emitting towers. In the U.S., with the proliferation of cell phones and the growing needs of cell phone users in recent years, there has been an explosion in cell towers.
Overwhelming evidence
A growing number of organizations and many more studies support the conclusions of the Brazilian study. The International Association for Research on Cancer (IARC), based upon findings from research conducted by an international think tank, came to the conclusion that radio frequency radiation, including the radiation spewing from cell towers, is a possible carcinogen.
The BioInitiative 2012 Report written by a group of leading independent international scientists has put out an unequivocal health warning against exposure to EMFs. This includes exposures from cell phone towers.
Why are cell phone towers particularly dangerous?
The threat comes from the constant nature of the activity of the towers; they emit pulsed radio frequency radiation. This radiation has been shown in thousands of studies to cause biological damage to the body and to be a precursor to disease.
What are some of the dangers (besides cancer), which result from this damage and are associated with EMFs and cell phone antennae?
• Genetic mutations
• Memory disruptions
• Hindered learning
• Insomnia
• Brain disorders
• Hormonal imbalances
• Infertility
• Dementia
• Heart complications
These dangers clearly make it imperative to take action.
Cell towers are here to stay but their implantation needs effective regulation in terms of location and radiation levels. The 1996 Telecommunications Act (TCA), does not qualify the public’s right to protest cell tower locations based on health hazards. Cell towers should be located away from residential areas and far away from schools and day care centers.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
MC-Loph Was Killed By Emeka Morgan— Mum Cries Out
It appears the CEO of Morgan Entertainment is not telling us all the truth he knows about the death Igbo rapper, Obiajulu Nwozo, famously addressed as MC Loph and his only sister, Chinwe.
Recall that in one of our previous posts, we served you a story of how former Morgan Entertainment MD, Obi Madubogwu, accused the label CEO, Emeka Morgan Nwanne Oguejiofor of allegedly using the late MC Loph and only sister for rituals.
Further investigations by has proven that there are other people joining voices with Madubogwu to label Morgan a ritualist and being responsible for the death of the rapper. They are no other persons than the late rapper’s mom and his fiancée, Ngozi, who was the only survivor of the accident that claimed both the life of the rapper and his only sister.
In an exclusive chat with our correspondent who reached out to MC Loph’s mom via a phone conversation, the aged woman, we also learnt suffers Hypertension, lamented almost endlessly of how Emeka Morgan abandoned her and the late rapper’s son, after making a pledge of placing her on a meager salary of 30 thousand naira monthly. According Mrs. Obiozor, “Emeka Morgan killed my only son and daughter, left me childless and handicapped. Since Obiajulu died, the only time I set my eyes on the so-called Morgan was in May 2012, when he came with Obi Madubogu, gave me a bag of rice, a gallon of groundnut oil and 60 thousand naira and asked me never to allow Nkiru (MC Loph’s wife) to have a share of the money. But I couldn’t, I gave the money over to Nkiru after he left and it was used to fix the Camry with which she does most of her run arounds in Lagos. Since then he had neither called nor checked on me again’.
Contrary to the rumour which went agog in a section of the media a few months ago that Emeka Oguejiofor the owner of Morgan Entertainment adopted late MC Loph’s son, Mrs. Obiozor stated categorically that Morgan is a liar and will not go unpunished. According to her, “Is it possible to adopt a child you have not set your eyes on since he was born? Probably he adopted Obiajulu Jnr. In his dreams or imagination. I heard the rumour too, but all I can say is that God will judge him both in life and in death; he will never know any peace in his lifetime, for shedding the blood of my children whom I know did not wrong him in any way.
Meanwhile further checks revealed that late MC Loph’s family, which consists of his uncles and other extended family, avoids Emeka Morgan with every sense of consciousness. An insider insisted that the family have not stopped accusing him of being responsible for the death of the rapper and his only sister. According to him, ‘Emeka Morgan is not clean and we the entire MC Loph’s family strongly believes he is responsible for the death of our children. For instance, shortly after the accident and doctor’s confirmation that Obiajulu’s wife was pregnant, we decided that she should stay behind in Lagos and not travel with the family to the village for her husband’s burial, but Morgan insisted that she must travel by air to Awka, which the entire family frowned at and resulted into a face off with him until he eventually succumbed pressure. The question is why must he insist on Nkiru’s presence at her Obiajulu’s burial, if he had no ulterior motive? In one occasion when he, Morgan visited MC Loph’s mom last year, he was bent on knowing where Nkiru was seated when the accident happened and how come she managed to survive an accident that claimed the lives of every other occupants of the car? Does it not tell you that this man probably wanted everybody in that vehicle dead and buried, but for God’s intervention? In reference to recent events that happened following the death of Obiajulu, we now know that his death his not natural, we may not have a voice, or the money to fight Emeka Morgan, but one thing is certain, God will continue to judge him’ our source concluded.
With the current situation of things, obviously, Emeka Nwanne Oguejiofor (MORGAN), might have some questions to answer, but the big question is who will ask the question? When and how?
For the records, MC Loph and sister both died in a ghastly motor accident on September 14, 2011 along Ore road, on his way to the village for his traditional wedding, which eventually didn’t hold.
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